Police tackle domestic violence over Christmas

December 11, 2012 at 4:01 pm | Posted in Children, Christmas, Domestic Violence, Law, Young People | 2 Comments
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As the festive season approaches, police across the country are launching campaigns aimed towards tackling domestic violence. In previous years it has become clear that domestic abuse is a significant problem over Christmas, with violent incidents in the home rising by approximately 20% at this time of year according to Hampshire Constabulary.

Agencies give prolonged family time, increased debt and high levels of alcohol consumption as possible reasons for such a high increase. Charities such as ‘Refuge’ acknowledge that Christmas can be a particularly difficult time of year for those experiencing domestic violence. The many campaigns being launched over the festive period aim to raise awareness about domestic violence, aswell as encouraging victims to seek help.

Cllr Greenall, in this article for West Lancashire Police, said “Christmas can be particularly stressful for people living with violent partners because the family are together for an extended period, or the alcohol is flowing, which can intensify abuse. Often they will not leave over the festive season because they don’t want to ruin Christmas. As a result, the New Year is always a busy time as victims seek help. Therefore, we want our campaign to raise awareness and show victims that there is support out there if they need it”.

There has also been a significant focus upon the effects of domestic violence on children throughout these Christmas campaigns. An example of this is the ‘Letter to Santa’ campaign developed by the Violence Reduction Unit and the Children 1st charity. Chief Inspector Graham Goulden, who heads the campaign, acknowledged that Christmas is a peak period for domestic abuse incidents. This means that children in violent homes often witness abuse or become victims themselves. Children should look forward to Christmas every year but it is easy to forget that for some children, it is a time of fear.




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